November is Upon Us!

NaNoWrimo is upon us and despite all of my excitement, I decided not to participate. I was a bit disappointed, but also very relieved. I have so many things going on in my non-writing life, I felt like it would be a disservice to The Two Worlds and myself to focus on yet another project before my current ones were wrapped up.

That being said, The Two Worlds is scheduled for release on November 23! I’m so excited! Things that are on the to-do list are:

Amp up my marketing. I really want my friends, family and followers to know about my debut release! My goals are to create a Facebook page, and finalize my Amazon author page.

Throw a debut celebration! It’s right around Thanksgiving and I’m already planning on spending it with friends. So the timing is perfect, I just need to finalize a few details…

Interact with more bloggers and writers. I’m thinking of taking a few weeks off to recharge my batteries before starting the second installment of The Two Worlds (or my first romance novel, not sure yet). It would be nice to catch up on my reading and interact with other fabulous bloggers.

For those that are participating in NaNoWriMo 2012, good luck!