Goals for 2013

I love numbers. Seriously. If I wasn’t so interested in writing, I would be in banking. As a matter of fact, my first job out of college was in insurance. In a year’s time, I was promoted twice and federally licensed to sell annuity products and insurance.

I also love goals. Anything that will push me towards a successful future is right up my alley! Which is why every year, I sit down and write out my career goals for the next year. Some years I’m successful, other years I’m not.

For 2013, I’m sticking to my earlier resolve and not over-extending myself.  I decided my goals are:

1) To write one book (or novella)
2) To post to this blog twice a month

Very, very low key goals for myself. Usually I have a five page plan with charts, market research and LOTS of numbers, but I’m wanting to keep my stress down in 2013. (More on that later…)

I figure if I have easy goals, I will still feel challenged enough (writing a book is not easy after all) but able to accomplish my goal.  It’s the basic idea behind S.M.A.R.T. goals.

What about you? What are your writing or personal goals for 2013?